Apr 28, 2023
After a trip to St. Louis for a business conference, Derek is sharing the biggest takeaway from the experience.
Western culture doesn't focus on death very much. After all, it does seem pretty morbid, right? With that thought process being so pervasive in our culture, it can actually make it tough to see how we're...
Apr 21, 2023
We all know work ethic is at an all time low which can be great for those of us willing to work. It means that we will always have a way to not only make money but do better than the average person who isn't willing to put in the work.
However, you may be surprised to know that hard work will only take you so far and...
Apr 14, 2023
"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray to be stronger men."
Aftrer a tough situation this week, Derek talks about the false hope that so many of us have for creating an easy life. An "easy" life shouldn't be what we pray for. The trials and difficulties we go through are what CREATES the good stuff.
Derek also goes...
Apr 7, 2023
We wouldn't say that there is necessarily an attack on marriage in our current culture. However, there does seem to be a lot of glorifying the "hook up" culture that seems to paint it as so much more fun than committed relationships.
This isn't some "marriage is the ONLY way someone can be happy" rant either. Derek and...