Mar 25, 2022
This week Derek talks about a lesson that he was able to teach to his oldest daughter and how it was also a great reminder for him: your actions can be very different from your intentions.
Most of the time when bad things happen, they aren't necessarily due to bad intentions. In fact, the intentions might be great...
Mar 18, 2022
Derek brought on his lovely wife again this week to talk about something that had been making news recently which is a MIT computer simulation that says we have less than 20 years left of our civilization as we know it.
With that and all the stuff that is going on in the world, Derek and Jess decide to throw on their...
Mar 11, 2022
Derek does his best version of a preacher this episode! Afer a long drive home, he was able to reflect on what has always seemed to get clarity even if you have been praying about something...
So often we will ask God to show us the way or to help us along the path but maybe we have to do something first in order to...
Mar 4, 2022
Derek had a conversation with a friend of his that prompted this episode. He was asked how he was able to lose the weight that he had and it came down to the only reason that anyone EVER makes a change...well, there's two reasons...
If you wonder why you can't ever make lasting changes or even make any change, it is...